Wednesday, December 23, 2009

bible in 90 days

I KNEW there was something else I wanted to blog about earlier, but I couldn't remember when I actually sat down to write.

I've recently started reading this blog, and she's been talking about a bible reading plan that reads through the entire bible in 90 days--Jan 1-March 31. I signed up on this site to do it. I'm not getting their bible, but I'll just use mine, use their reading plan (under "listen while you read"), and listen to the weekly lessons online ("hear weekly lessons").

It's a huge task. I know I can't do it on my own. Anyone want to join me?


  1. I am so excited that you've decided to join the challenge.. it will be an AMAZING experience!! Welcome!

  2. Not interested in this just now, but I wanted to let you know that my mom just did this with a group at her church and LOVED it!

  3. I haven't heard from you in terms of the Bible in 90 Days and thought I'd check in.

    Are you reading with our group?
    If so, we'd love to hear from you so we can cheer you on. We have had weekly check-ins on Mondays on MomsToolbox and Twitter parties every Monday night to discuss the reading.

    If not, I'd love for you to consider our next group which will begin reading July 1.

    Pls drop me a note and let me know...
